Criatividade e inovação na escolaContributo das tic para o sucesso escolar

  1. Ventinhas Barroso e Silva Baptista, Cláudia Cristina
Dirigida por:
  1. María Dolores Díaz Noguera Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 15 de febrero de 2016

  1. Julio Cabero Almenara Presidente/a
  2. José María Fernández Batanero Secretario/a
  3. Alejandro Rodríguez Martín Vocal
  4. Fernando Peñafiel Martínez Vocal
  5. Ana María Duarte Hueros Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 397312 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


This research aims to address the importance of collaborative platforms for information and training of teachers of the Portuguese Basic Level-first Cycle of Studies, that in their pratice need to elaborate special activities for children with learning difficulties. We verified that a large number of teachers didn’t have any particular training about the new technologies of information and communication in their initial training and that at the first grade level they don’t use technology in an intense way. Considering the initial lack of technological formation, even so the teachers assume the importance in the technology use and therefore we considered the possibility to start a virtual collaborative platform that could help in the lack of pedagogical means and at the same time help to improve the teachers training in this area. Bearing in mind the needs of children with learning difficulties, we make a list of different types of difficulties and we ask ourselves how a collaborative platform could be useful to the teachers to further knowledge in order to address the students’ difficulties. We have researched the importance of collaborative platforms and their importance to teachers of the same knowledge area as well as for teachers from different areas. In the developed societies the capacity to learn through a lifetime requires collaborative learning and that capacity can be improved through the use of platforms. We made a survey addressed to the teachers, where we intended to evaluate their availability to participate in such a platform specifically directed to give information and materials about learning difficulties and we concluded that the teachers would be available to participate in such a initiative.