Los personajes femeninos de Almudena Grandesactualidad, Post-Modernidad y Guerra Civil

  1. Gil De Sousa, Célia Maria
Dirigida per:
  1. Ignacio García Aguilar Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Córdoba (ESP)

Fecha de defensa: 21 de de juny de 2018

  1. Rafael Bonilla Cerezo President/a
  2. José Manuel Rico García Secretari
  3. Isabel Román-Gutiérrez Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Considering the literary work of Almudena Grandes, some common features in the construction of her female characters outstand. These characters, to which she bares the soul, are characterized by a psychological insight as complex and contradictory beings that develop in a permanent search of the reason for their existence. Starting by defining the cultural coordinates of Post-Modernity, a study of these characters follows, introducing them in their cultural context. This work aims at reflecting on the construction of Almudena Grandes’ characters, integrating them in a sociological dimension and pointing the two phases of their creation: the first, in which the characters are to serve the story and the second, which portrays the period of Spanish Civil War, in which the story determines the characters. After the period of the Pact of Silence, determined after The Transition, it is now the right time, that the Spanish reconcile themselves with their Past, in order to integrate themselves in the Present and prepare themselves for the Future. And, in a time of Transmodernity, a time of crisis, female characters do not worry so much about finding who they are, trying to survive and being more helpful with those around them.