La estructuración territorial de época romana en la tierra llana onubensecivitates et territoria
- Juan Manuel Campos Carrasco Director/a
- Javier Bermejo Meléndez Director
Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 19 de julio de 2017
- Julián González Fernández Presidente/a
- Nuria de la O Vidal Teruel Secretaria
- Virgilio Antonio Martins Lopes Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
The idea of a uniform Romanization, which affects equally to all the territories administrated by Rome, has been relegated a long time ago by the research. This has given way to a complex and heterogeneous approach, in which the implantation formulae of Rome are applied with different rhythms and forms, adapting to the different realities that they find. This change of perspective has been observed, with particular interest, in the urban areas, since the civitas and its agents are the main centre of attention of most research. In our research, we have followed this idea, particularly visible in the Southwest of the Baetica, but focusing on the rural areas. This approach comes from the need to observe the degree of union between the Roman and the local realities in non-urban areas, and to connect this reality with a historical discourse, so that its evolution can be observed. That is, we have tried to verify the existence of the heterogeneity of the Romanization observed in the cities of the rural environments, both in the coastal areas and in the countryside. The final aim has been to increase the knowledge of the complex panorama of the Roman world in the Southwest of the Baetica, paying special attention to the historical evolution of the rural areas. We tried to focus our research on the historical evolution during Roman times in an area which has traditionally been treated as dependent on the urban world. Despite the fact that it is precisely in the rural areas where the economic and social base of Rome lies and it is the place where urban elites consolidate their power. Ultimately, it is the area in which the culture and Roman ways of life take refuge once the model of urban life enters into crisis. This perspective of analysis required the contrasted study of different archaeological sources. Therefore, we carried out a unit study of literary, epigraphic and numismatic sources, which was completed with a review of all the bibliography generated by the archaeological investigations that were carried out on our territory under study: the Tierra Llana of Huelva. We have to add to this work the analysis of the rural population in Roman times, particularly, the developed one on the countryside. These areas have an important permeable capacity thanks to which social, economic and religious changes are reflected in a particular way outside the cities. This coexists with other older organizational forms, which can be appreciated in agricultural forms of the land divided into plots. It is also important to remember that, from our analysis, we offer an overview that encompasses the complex panorama of the Romanization of the Southwest of the Baetica. This work of analysis would be incomplete if it was not done from a historical perspective, the ultimate objective of all archaeological research. Only with this diachronic perspective, we can observe the changes, complexities and evolution experienced by a world traditionally considered as conservative. Thus, we have as a starting point the consolidation of the administrative structures of the Roman Republic, focused mainly on the traditional urban centres of the Tierra Llana. The Republic does not substantially alter the pre-existing territorial structure and focuses its efforts on consolidating its power to optimize the exploitation of the mining, fishing and agricultural resources. The consolidation of the Empire is a real change in the paradigm regarding the previous stage: the cities undergo major changes, especially Onoba Aestuaria, which will be reflected in the structuring of rural areas with the consolidation of a fishing district around its port and with the creation of an agricultural parcel adapted to the needs of Rome. This will be the basis for the development of the villa as a new system of rural settlement, to which the pagi and vici are joined. This organization will be especially visible in the civitates, areas, not only in the previously mentioned Onoba but also in Ilipla, Ostur and Ituci, This system was consolidated during the Late Roman Empire period, when the agricultural and fishing areas will take on importance in relation to the city. Once the imperial administration disappears, the new Eleplense church assumes the predominant role as structuring centre of a territory with an important rural character throughout the Late Antiquity. This territorial demarcation will be the basis on which the Hispano-Muslim’s power is based from the 8th century.