Atención educativa al alumnado con altas capacidades intelectualesuna propuesta formativa dirigida al profesorado
- Rodríguez Martín, Lucía
- Asunción Moya Maya Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 22 September 2017
- Josefina Lozano Martínez Chair
- María Pilar García Rodríguez Secretary
- José María Fernández Batanero Committee member
Type: Thesis
In the last years, educational administrations have recognized the differences of students with high intellectual capacities from different philosophical, psychological and / or educational approaches: as students with specific educational needs of educational support and for that reason it has had to recognize the evident characteristics Differentials of this students that demands that the school, educational community and society contemplate explicitly the approach of the High Intellectual Capabilities. Therefore, we have developed this research with the fundamental objective of knowing the educational reality of this population and being able to intervene with the construction of a training project aimed at the teaching staff (Web_App). The instruments used were: Interviews aimed at: teachers, parents, students with high Intellectual and Professional Skills Orientation, Attitude Towards Attention to diversity questionnaire addressed to parents and teachers; And Sociometric Test. The research on which we support and in the light of our own results that show data that shows that the teacher expresses a very superficial knowledge about the high intellectual capacities, acquired basically through the reading of informative articles And television programs; Even express their total ignorance on the subject. With regard to parents, they consider that the educational needs of their children are not being adequately addressed and are deeply dissatisfied with the educational performance that takes place. Both groups show their ignorance about the existing educational measures to attend to the Specific Needs of Educational Support associated with the High Intellectual Capacities of their children and students respectively within the classroom itself, and consider that the only viable was the Flexibilization of the educational process, consisting in the anticipation or acceleration of this process, which on the other hand is the only intervention measure in response to the High Intellectual Capabilities in Huelva. On the other hand, the students with high Intellectual Capabilities belonging to the study population, affirm in 88% of the cases that if the contents and subjects were expanded and enriched within the classroom it would not be necessary to have extracurricular complements and satisfy their own Curiosity about specific subjects outside the classroom. Practically in 100% of the cases, it manifests an apparent integration in the group in which they are located, nevertheless through personal interviews and in the application of the Sociometric Test in this context, it reflects a situation quite different from the one that Really verbally express and face to others. Based on this situation, it is absolutely necessary to intervene in the three main pillars that support the educational process of the students in general, and those who have High Intellectual Capabilities in particular. We believe that the guided intervention in the teaching population will directly influence the improvement of the actions in all areas and of all agents involved in the holistic development of students with High Intellectual Capabilities. We could talk about processes of synergy in which parents, teachers, students with High Intellectual Capabilities and the group of equals are going to be affected. The results obtained allow us to justify the construction of a training project aimed mainly at teachers (Web_App):