Imagen corporal y su relación con el nivel de actividad física y la inteligencia emocional en adolescentes femeninas de diferentes niveles socioeconómicosestudio en un población argentina

Supervised by:
  1. Estefanía Castillo Viera Director
  2. Inmaculada Tornero Quiñones Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 12 July 2019

  1. Ángela Sierra Robles Chair
  2. Vânia Loureiro Secretary
  3. Pedro Ángel Valdivia Moral Committee member

Type: Thesis


The purpose of this work was to examine the relationship between body image, physical activity level and emotional intelligence in female adolescents from different schools and socioeconomic levels. The sample consisted of 856 students between 15 and 18 years old, (M) of 15.99 years old and (SD) ± 0.905, belonging to secondary schools of the city of Catamarca (Argentina); of which 541 attended public schools (63.2%) and 315 private schools (36, 8%). According to the level of socioeconomic classification, the participants that belong to the low classes are 344 (40.2%); to the middle class 347 (40.5%) and to the upper class 165 (19.3%). The following evaluation instruments were used for the classification of the economic level, the Family Affluence Scale (FAS), for the assessment of the body Image, the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), the Stunkard and Stellard silhouette test and for anthropometric tests, measurement of weight and height. To evaluate the AF, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to evaluate the Emotional Intelligence of the Trait Meta Mood Scale-24 (TMMS-24), all the questionnaires validated in Spanish. Results: the BMI was analyzed with the three techniques used, determined anthropometrically (real), and estimated from self-reported weight and height and by perception technique by means of the Figure Test; the results showed that both the selfreport and perception techniques by figures show differences (p <.001) with the real BMI. The overall scores obtained in the BSQ questionnaire showed that 399 adolescents (46.61%) have satisfaction with their body image, and analyzed the subscales of the questionnaire, there were differences in body dissatisfaction and desires to lose weight (p <.05), being the adolescents of high class those that present higher scores. In the level of Physical Activity it was possible to establish that of the total of the sample 608 (71%) does not perform AFV, 655 (76.5%) does not perform AFM and 511 (59.7%) does not take walks, adolescents who attend private schools, they perform more AFV and walks (p <.05) than those of public schools, while those of public schools perform higher AFM (p <.05), with respect to the analysis made with the economic level, it was determined that adolescents belonging to the upper classes are those who perform the most AFV, AFM and walks (p <.001). The analysis of the scores obtained in Emotional Intelligence, could establish that 60% of the sample presents adequate Attention, Clarity and Emotional Reparation, being the students of public schools showed them the best scores in all the factors (p <.05) and those belonging to the lower classes who have better scores in Emotional Repair (p <.05). The adolescents with the highest level of physical activity also showed greater dissatisfaction with their body image (p <.05) and lower emotional intelligence (p <.05). Conclusion: The adolescents of this study with a high economic level have greater dissatisfaction of their Body Image, higher level of Physical Activity and lower perception of Emotional Intelligence.