Mobility of rare earth elements in AMD-precipitates, Iberian Pyri te Belt(SW Spain)

  1. T.-O. Soyol-Erdene 1
  2. Teresa Valente 1
  3. J.A. Grande 1
  4. B. Carro 2
  5. M.L. de la Torre 2
  1. 1 Institute of Earth Sciences, Pole of the University of Minho
  2. 2 CIPIMS, University of Huelva
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Year of publication: 2016


Issue: 16

Pages: 143-146

Type: Article

More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)


Rare earth elements (REE) were analyzed in surface waters, acid mine waters, and extracts of the mineral precipitates from Iberian Pyrite Belt. NASC (North Atlantic Shale Composition) normalized REE patterns show clear convex curvatures in middle-REE (MREE) with respect to light- and heavy-REE. Moreover, most of the AMD-precipitates release heavy -REE (HREE) to the solution during dissolution experiment, indicating that these minerals retain HREE predominantly from the water and provide REE fractionation along the series. Concentrations of the REE in water and acid mine drainage samples were in the range of 568 ng/L and 2580 g/L , and significantly higher than previously reported concentrations of the surface waters from the Iberian Pyrite Belt.