Estudio sobre la educación no formal con adultos mayores en los programas sociales argentinosEl caso de la localidad de Huerta Grande durante el periodo 2008/2016

Supervised by:
  1. Luis Ortiz Jiménez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 29 October 2020

  1. Juan José Leiva Olivencia Chair
  2. Victoria Figueredo Canosa Secretary
  3. María del Mar Fernández Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 639965 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


The main objective of this research is: "To analyze the impact that the implementation of Argentine Social Programs has had through non-Formal Education with Seniors in the town of Huerta Grande, during the period 2008 /2016". In order to achieve accurate and reliable results, the specific objectives set out in this research will be carried out. Two (2) Argentine Social Programs will be released in depth: The Experience Count and Social Volunteering of Older Adults, which are implemented from non-Formal Education in agreement between the National Policy Directorate for Senior Adults and the Municipality of the town of Huerta Grande, Department Punilla, Province of Córdoba.Both programs that have a common objective: To improve the quality of life of A.M., favoring the empowerment of them, with an active and leading role since Non-Formal Education. Finally, a proposal for intervention is developed that tries to be a simple but valuable contribution to the population studied, from an educational and social gaze, betting on revaluing and respecting the Older Adult.