Propuesta de un modelo para la incubación, maduración y operación de Spin Off de base tecnológica en la Universidad del Cauca (Colombia)

  1. Castrillón Muñoz, Andrés José
Supervised by:
  1. Alfonso Infante Moro Director
  2. Francisco José Martínez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 25 September 2020

  1. Paula Luna Huertas Chair
  2. Juan Carlos Infante Moro Secretary
  3. Jolanta Sloniec Committee member

Type: Thesis


To explore the possibility that the University of Cauca (UNICAUCA) may in the medium term become an entrepreneurial university by resorting to the opportunities and challenges posed to its research groups and researchers by the dynamics and complexities of international, national and regional contexts and the new regulations in this area that seek to stimulate, transfer and give social value to the results of science, technology and innovation in the different regions of Colombia. It is necessary to describe the context in which the Territorial Ecosystems of Science, Technology and Innovation develop according to the characterization that some theoreticians have defined in this regard and, specifically the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS) within the framework of longterm participatory processes and at different levels of action, such as those that characterize strategic foresight. The first section of the document begins precisely with this subject after a theoretical-conceptual review, starting with a schematic recount of the guidelines, structure and functions inherent to the University of Cauca in general and the Research System (Agreement 015 of 2015) in particular; the latter regulation is currently being reviewed and it is also the one on which the actions of the technology-based innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem are being deployed and proposed to be implemented, to finish off with a description of the representative bodies of the Faculties as Academic Units, objective within the framework of the proposed entrepreneurial university, from the Faculty of Accounting, Economic and Administrative Sciences. Chapters two to four contain the contents of three articles that have been published, that the subscriber has submitted to peer evaluation for socialization in indexed journals within the development of this PhD work, whose emphasis is on proposing a model or scope to facilitate the incubation, maturation and operation of technology-based Spin Off at the University of Cauca (Colombia). The first one, already published in English, Castrillón, A.J., et al. (2019). University Spin-Off: A Literary Review for Their Application in Colombia. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, (Volume X, Spring), 1(33): 73-86., based on a review of the specialized literature and a description of the main types of Spin Off that different specialists have proposed, explores its possible application to the Colombian case, the second one, titled Identification of Capabilities and Conditions for the creation of technology-based Spin Offs from the R&D&i Results of the Research Groups of the University of Cauca, Colombia, published in Spanish by the Technological Information Journal (Revista Información Tecnológica) in its Volume 31 (last week of February 2020), proposes some reflections associated with the Technology-based Spin Off Generation based on what was concluded in a census applied to the 64 research groups of the University of Cauca that were recognized, alongside its researchers, in the COLCIENCIAS 2017 call for proposals for Research Groups and Researchers, the results are briefly illustrated in Annex 1 of the thesis document, and the third article, submitted to the Editorial Committee of the international Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, in English, has been published (J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 2020. Volume 15, Issue 1) and unfolds based on the above census results by means of a quantitative research based on the Pearson regression model for pooled data, the results of an analysis of the capacities that the Research Groups of the University of Cauca have demonstrated in some topics to deploy Spin-Off-type technology-based undertakings, and where relevant situations are evident. The document concludes with a chapter that describes, as a general framework, the future guidelines based on theoretical-conceptual reflections on Strategic Foresight and its implications in a process of collective construction, taking into consideration: a) The preliminary results that a research team under the direction of Dr Megan Epler Wood, director of the International Sustainable Tourism Initiative (ISTI) at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Sustainable Tourism Asset Management Program (STAMP) of Cornell University (Annex 2), has been developing for about a year and a half together with researchers from UNICAUCA, to make possible the formalization and implementation of a Center for Innovation for Sustainable Production, (CIPS, name currently under discussion) in line with the Ecosystem of Innovation for technology-based undertakings subject to this work; b) The proposal for a Master’s Degree in Knowledge Management and Innovation developed within the framework of the Innovacción Cauca Project, and (c) Some actions already undertaken to create conditions previous to the process, related to the dynamics for the deployment of an institutional entrepreneurship policy and the strengthening of the Relational Capital and the adaptation of some locative spaces in the facilities of the Faculty of Accounting Sciences, Economic and Administrative of the University of Cauca to start the processes of acceleration of undertakings.