Nuevas tecnologías y aprendizaje escolar

Supervised by:
  1. José Juan Carrión Martínez Director
  2. Isabel Mercader Rubio Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 21 July 2020

  1. José María Fernández Batanero Chair
  2. Antonio Luque de la Rosa Secretary
  3. María del Mar Fernández Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 631313 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


The so-called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been forcefully implemented in all areas of daily life, thus generating a very significant impact on different social, economic and cultural activities. Consequently breaking the various barriers in the field of communication and imposing in one way or another a methodological and didactic rethinking that has been implemented in schools around the world. This change can be justified with the new training demands that are required in the economic field as well as the daily coexistence with ICT. The school, with a social entity, should not be left behind in the face of these changes and there are many studies that investigate the influence of these technologies on students. Since if what is intended is to improve the different deficit aspects more and more, this institution cannot adopt a passive and inert position in the face of social and technological changes. Teachers must be prepared and aware of the coming technological revolutions and analyze the educational consequences of these technologies. In fact, the main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between the use of new technologies within the school and some of the variables that are related to educational success. Analyzing some of the key aspects when determining if this use is significantly related to academic performance. From this perspective, it has been established that both the investigation and the obtaining of the relevant information revolve around these questions: Is there a relationship between the variables of age and gender with respect to the access and use of computer tools (PC, mobile, internet, social networks ...)? • Do information and communication technologies, in all their variations, influence school performance or success? • How is the use of educational technologies and ICT in teaching related to certain psychological variables such as school adaptation, emotion, body identity, social adaptation, family relationships? To answer these questions, this doctoral thesis has been structured in four parts, which, although basic, will give the necessary support to answer those questions; The theoretical framework which will serve as theoretical support to support this research and in which an approach will be made to the research carried out and that will shape the state of the art; Within the methodology, the subjects of this study, the objectives pursued and the instruments used will be established; the results obtained will be examined by carrying out an analysis and interpretation of the same, the backbone of which is to answer the questions raised above; After this, the conclusions will be established in which the answers to the questions will be clearly and precisely exposed, as well as the various proposals for future research.