Televisión infantil, pública y de calidad en Chile hoyel programa Novasur

  1. Villarrubia Martínez, Andrea
Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director
  2. Águeda Delgado-Ponce Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 28 October 2020

  1. Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino Chair
  2. Paloma Contreras Pulido Secretary
  3. Isidro Marín Gutiérrez Committee member

Type: Thesis


This doctoral thesis describes children's and educational television Novasur, a public initiative managed by the Consejo Nacional de Televisión, developed between 2000 and 2017. Today, under the name of Children's CNTV, it produces audiovisual content distributed through more than 50 television channels and its own digital platform: delivering content via streaming and having a video library with more than 2000 entries. This research considers an understudied aspect: Novasur’s television public offer for children. The study of television today must consider the complexities of the constantly evolving technology and how it affects different areas. In Chile, the implementation of digital television promises to include new actors, to improve the quality of broadcast, and to provide, for the first time, space for a cultural, educational and children's public signal. On the other hand, convergence has changed, perhaps forever, the relationship between audiences and media. The objective of this study was to characterize the offer of the Novasur digital platform regarding its editorial line, based on quality standards and with a focus on Children's Rights in the context of the implementation of digital television and convergence. A qualitative methodology with a mix of techniques was used to characterize audiovisuals: a content analysis on 2264 programs on the online platform, considering the origin, curricular link, audiovisual technique, theme, and target audience. Regarding the protagonists, their age, gender, territorial diversity, ethnic groups, migrant status, and disability were considered. In addition, a qualitative content analysis was performed on 24 series that were studied for quality criteria. Finally, fourteen interviews were conducted to Latin American professionals from five countries, with experience in managing children's channels, public administration, audiovisual festivals, and media literacy. The results show that the Novasur platform has diversity of content. Most of the programs are led by boys and girls of both genders and they come from all over the country. Also, incipiently, children usually excluded from television such as minorities, children with different ethnic backgrounds, migrants and people with disabilities are lead characters. These high-quality audiovisuals allow children to tell their own stories. Interviewed professionals agreed on the importance of having adequate financial resources and the support of the State -transversal to the political sectors and in the long term– to develop high quality, innovative and convergent audiovisuals. It is concluded that the Novasur platform is a good repository: it represents diverse childhoods, although there are still groups to include such as LGBT children and others. It is possible to enhance the platform with spaces intended for audience participation if the continuity of financing is guaranteed. Continental collaboration and regional co-productions are a strength, as they present a local and Latin American child´s identities and will be a contribution to a public channel aimed to children, currently under discussion.