El patrimonio histórico y cultural del municipio de Aroche (Huelva)propuesta de un modelo de gestión
- Juan Manuel Campos Carrasco Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 09 July 2020
- Javier Bermejo Meléndez Chair
- Miguel A. Alba Calzado Secretary
- Susana Gómez-Martínez Committee member
Type: Thesis
Aroche is an inland rural municipality, located in the Sierra Occidental de Huelva, being an important part of the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park. Nestled against the last foothills of Sierra Morena and on the border with Portugal, its documented human occupation from the Neolithic to the present uninterruptedly, has been strongly influenced by these circumstances. Although the Roman period is one of the most investigated, its prominence during the Middle and Modern Age, due to its border position have been the subject of numerous works. This important occupation has left a large number of archaeological remains and monuments whose management was assumed by the City of Aroche in 2004 within a municipal project called Heritage Project. Aroche has more than a hundred documented archaeological sites, highlighting the Roman city of Arncci Turobriga, but also its urban nucleus, listed as a Historie Site, reveals its historical relevance, with the presence of a castle, walls of almost 1 ' 5 k., A XVII century convent, the Priora! Church of the Assumption of the XV century or numerous palatial houses. It is not intended with this work to carry out a historical study of the municipality, although we will refer to its history and its historical archaeological sites on numerous occasions. This thesis aims to analyze the management model developed from the municipal administration and know how it has influenced the state of the heritage. To develop the research, we differentiated three very defined phases, the first being the situation of the arocheno heritage prior to the creation of a Municipal Office of Urban Planning and Heritage in 2004. The second analyzes the management of the patrimony developed from 2004 to the present time by the municipal administration. In the latter, models of heritage management developed from different organizations or administrations and from different points of the peninsular geography are analyzed. This analysis allows us to present improvements applicable to the Heritage Project, in order to develop the four basic pillars of the value chain on heritage, research, protection, conservation and socializa tion. The Aroche heritage management model is a pioneer model in the province of Huelva, based on the examople of project such as Mértola (Portugal) or Almedinilla in Córdoba, where the heritage merges with the territory, delving into collective identity and need to conserve and develop social, cultural and economically rural interior nuclei, tending towards its progressive depopulation, which undoubtedly entails an abandonment of heritage as well. Finally, the example of wealth management of the municipality of Aroche highlights the need for changes in the competency models established for this matter, as well as the necessary involvement of municipal administrations in the conservation of their heritage.