¿Son los establecimientos hoteleros y de restauración fieles a las certificaciones de los sistemas de gestión de calidad?
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 2174-5609
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 22
Pages: 277-303
Type: Article
More publications in: Investigaciones Turísticas
Quality management systems certification has grown strongly over the years and has proved its effectiveness as a differentiating element by supporting the improvement of the image of tourism establishments. However, certifications such as ISO 9001 or the ‘Spanish Q for Quality in Tourism’ have reached, or are reaching, a saturation point that seems to indicate they are no longer attractive as an indication of quality. Taking as a reference all the hospitality and restaurant services in Andalusia to which the ISO 9001 or the Q certifications were granted between 2006 and 2018, this paper analyses the evolution of these two certifications, in particular abandonment and retention rates. The results show that accommodation establishments were more inclined to choose ISO 9001, while the restaurant industry preferred the Q certification. Furthermore, the loyalty analysis reveals that, in both subsectors, abandonment of certification is much greater in the case of ISO 9001, even when combined with the Q brand, as is more common in accommodation. The individualized temporal analysis of the establishments shows that there has been no clear transfer from one certification to the other. In conclusion, the findings suggest that hospitality and restaurant establishments may be willing to retain their quality management system certifications but are not pursuing recertification
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