Los medios audiovisuales como difusores del patrimonio geológico-minero en los museos y centros de interpretación

  1. Daniel Ponce Guardiola
  2. Emilio Manuel Romero Macías
Gestión turística

ISSN: 0717-1811

Ano de publicación: 2012

Número: 17

Páxinas: 9-22

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.4206/GEST.TUR.2012.N17-01 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Gestión turística


The use of New Technologies of Information and Communication and the use of such networks using web 2.0 applications open up a vast range of possibilities for the dissemination and projection of geological and mining in the current information society, thus creating new models of presentation and accessibility to museums and science communication. Today, audiovisual media, based on the incorporation of the audio image in its static or mobile mode, are creating a new social and technological revolution in which society is increasingly involved, and it, on the other hand, tries to adapt to new management and integration systems, in order to expand them to teaching and learning needs. With this work we try to describe how the interpretive centers and geologicalmining museums through the instructional video as the best option within the extensive audiovisual world, can create new teaching-learning scenarios to encourage dissemination of mineralogical heritage, transcending the physical and temporal limitations that frames the traditional museum, facilitating its use through different perspectives, levels and dimensions on information on the science of minerals.

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