¿Confianza, cosmética o sospecha? Una etnografía multisituada de las relaciones entre instituciones y usuarios en seis sistemas expertos en España
- Francisco Cruces 1
- Ángel Díaz de Rada 1
- Honorio Velasco 1
- Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 2448-850X, 0188-7017
Year of publication: 2003
Issue Title: Antropología de los mundos contemporáneos
Volume: 13
Issue: 25
Pages: 77-90
Type: Article
More publications in: Alteridades
This contribution is based on a multisited ethnographic study carried out in six institutional contexts, mostly located at the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain), which discusses the relationships between institutions and their users in late modernity through an analysis of the multiple senses of trust experienced by experts and laymen. Ethnographies focus on key points of ex- change and cultural negotiation in access to the expert system, and they reveal a complex plot where the follow- ing linking patterns are contradictorily overlapped: mere familiarity, deep and interpersonal trust, reliability or plain faith in the system, rhetorical re- personalization, and what it has been termed an attitude of ‘cooperative suspicion’. Behind these linking patterns, our study manifests a double structure of legitimacy representing the tension between the formal-rational Weberian model and the allegedly re-enchanted model of institutional publicity and image creating strategies
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