La formación del entrenador de hockey sala-hierba en España

  1. Ibáñez de la Rosa, José Carlos
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Director
  2. Manuel Tomás Abad Robles Director
  3. José Robles Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 15 July 2021


Type: Thesis


Sport is a reality that is increasingly present in the life of Spaniards. The existing sports variety has no limits and every day there is news that they have invented a new sports modality. But in this study, a minority sport with very few federative licenses at the national level is investigated. One of the things that is most valued in the practice of this sport is that with the same federative file, two sports modalities are practiced, Indoor Hockey and Field Hockey, the latter being an Olympic discipline. Indoor-field hockey has many shortcomings at the level of training of the coaches. In fact, this training is not considered as official studies, since the only thing that regulates it is the Resolution of July 13, 2011, of the Presidency of the Higher Sports Council, which publishes the "training plan of the modality hockey sport. Developed in article 6 of Order EDU / 3186/2010, of December 7. For this reason, the responsibility falls on a poorly trained coach, who must have a profile that, according to Romero (2004) cited by Feu (2016, p. 44), the profile will be a reference on which the plan is designed training of a certain type of professional. For this reason, it is very important to know the characteristics and way of acting of the coaches, to be able to develop good training strategies that lead to quality teaching for the students of the Sports Initiation schools. And in the case of Hockey, it presents very important educational possibilities that fall especially on the coach. In this research, we begin with the development of a theoretical framework that revolves around the following thematic blocks. First, we begin by addressing the concept of “sport” and characteristics of sport in school age, a term that today still has multiple meanings. Next, the thematic block of "Sports Initiation" is addressed where this research is focused, since the sample is focused on coaches who work with students who go from the Pre-benjamin category to the Cadet category. Next, a deep analysis is made of the figure of the sports coach and how his presentation is in the world of sport, concretizing it in the world of Indoor and Field Hockey. Continuing with the training of the sports coach and the existing legislation in reference to the training of the sports coach. It continues with the central axis of this research as the sport of Indoor-Field Hockey and all the peculiarities that surround this sport, along with its educational possibilities. Next, what is a sports club and the problem-factors surrounding the development of sports schools under this framework is presented. And finally, a brief summary is made of the most noteworthy aspects in the development of this conceptual framework. In this research, the objective has been set to find out what the training of the Hockey coach is like and how it has been at the national level. And for this, this research has been based on the application of a quantitative methodology, since the questionnaire has only been used as a research instrument. This is designed on the basis of 7 dimensions that would be the following: Sociodemographic Variables, Teaching Experience, Initial Training, Permanent Training, Conception of Hockey Teaching, Methodology and Procedure and Training Needs and Demands. For the design of the questionnaire we have had the contributions of a group of experts and the questionnaire validated by Abad et al. Has been adapted. (2011). When the preparation and validation of the questionnaire was completed, 292 trainers were passed to a population, of which 172 questionnaires (57 women and 115 men) were received from 9 Autonomous Communities. The rest of the communities that did not participate was because this sport is not practiced and they do not have an autonomous sports federation, as of date. Participants had to meet the following requirements: be Indoor-Field Hockey coaches who were currently training with boys and girls from the Pre benjamín, Benjamin, Alevín, Infantil and Cadet categories. That is, children under 16 years of age, who practiced this sport. Regarding the results obtained in the research, it can be noted that the initiation Indoor-Grass Hockey coach in Spain is mostly male, aged between 21 and 30, who are students and remain federated hockey players. Highlighting the communities of Andalusia and Catalonia, as the ones with the highest number of initiation coaches to this sport. What these coaches value most is the fact of educating children through this sport, instilling in them the values they have learned from their role as a player. Their academic training falls within the range of Baccalaureate or Professional Training. And the vast majority of coaches do not have a level 1 qualification, and those who do, value the training course content very positively, highlighting above all the practical content. They work on permanent training through Physical Education and Sports courses, in addition to exchanging impressions with other coaches and watching specific games and training for field hockey. In relation to the teaching experience, it can be said that as initiation trainers they have been between 0 and 2 years, with which the Pre-benjamín, Benjamin and Alevín categories tend to work mainly. Regarding the teaching methodology, it can be noted that the higher the academic qualifications, the greater the probability that they will program the season before it begins. And they also confirm that the technical-tactical means work fundamentally with opposition, having more influence on the technical ones than on the physical ones. The need for training actions is also shown, which are scarce, having to resort to books and specialized magazines, together with the viewing of videos. Finally, what would be the limitations of this study and some of the proposals for improvement so that the institutions involved have objective data on the training reality that initiation coaches go through Hockey together with future perspectives in the study of the figure of initiation hockey coach.