Las relaciones comerciales y de cooperación para la protección del medio ambiente entre México y la Unión Europea
- Nicolás Ruiz Goncet
- Enrique Manuel Puerta Domínguez dir.
Publisher: Fundación San Pablo CEU
Year of publication: 2018
Type: Book
In this end of grade work, current comercial relationships carried between the Mexican United States and the European Union are exposed, also, environmental protection policies stablished by both entities before the agreement and in its own legislation are analized. All of it through the pormenorized study of the main comercial and cooperation agreements which currently rule the bilateral relationships between both international rights subjects. On the other hand a detailed study of the result of these comercial relationships and of the current environmental situation is undergone, as well as possible solutions to the environmental issues are given. All this study is supported by interviews with the main responsables of the ecological environment in Mexico and by data harvested through the investigation carried the ground work.