Uso de la red social facebook como herramienta de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitariosEstudio integrado sobre percepciones

  1. Inmaculada Gómez- Hurtado 1
  2. Francisco Javier García Prieto 1
  3. Delgado García, Manuel
  1. 1 Universidad de Huelva España
Perspectiva Educacional

ISSN: 0718-9729

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 57

Issue: 1

Pages: 99-119

Type: Article

DOI: 10.4151/07189729-VOL.57-ISS.1-ART.645 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Perspectiva Educacional

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In recent Ɵmes, there has been increased use of social networks in the university context. In this sense, we present a study that systemaƟzes the concepƟons that students and teachers have regarding the use of Facebook in pracƟce and the development of courses that enable and encourage its handling inside and outside the classroom, as more than just a way of direct contact with the teacher. The methodological design combines qualitaƟve and quanƟtaƟve instruments, using a mixed methodology. We analyzed the pedagogical relevance of the use of Facebook, quesƟoning if this social network is used as a supporƟve or conversely didacƟc interacƟon leads to enhancing learning. The findings and conclusions point to a concepƟon of social networks as a teaching resource that promotes collaboraƟve exchange between students and teachers.