Familia y discapacidad intelectualnecesidades percibidas en el contexto familiar
- Patricia Solís García
- Rocío Lago-Urbano
ISSN: 1130-8893
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 58
Pages: 65-80
Type: Article
More publications in: Familia: Revista de ciencias y orientación familiar
Intellectual Disability impacts all the contexts involved in the lives of the people who present it and, especially, in the family context. The needs that families perceive concerning disability must be duly addressed to achieve an adequate quality of life. The following is a theoretical review of the main works in the last decade, focused on knowing the perceived needs in the family context of people with intellectual disabilities. First, an estimation of the volume and type of publications has been made in the subject area of study; next, we have tried to determine and group the studies according to the type of methodology used; and finally the studies found have been identified and cataloged according to the thematic areas. 27 articles have been found referring to the subject, all of them empirical analyzing the needs of families. Interest in this topic is appreciated in recent years, highlighting the need for instruments to assess the needs perceived by families as well as the need for continuous support and information from professionals expressed by family members of people with disabilities.
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