Salud psicosocial de cuidadoras familiares y profesionalesasociación con factores sociodemográficos y psicológicos
- Saavedra Macías, Francisco Javier
- Bascón Díaz, Miguel Jesús
- Rojas Ocaña, María Jesús
- Sala, Arianna
ISSN: 0066-5126
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Pages: 229-243
Type: Article
More publications in: Anuario de psicología
Currently, the care of dependent people is provided mainly by women in the family context. This activity may involve a negative impact on health. Therefore, we decided to assess the health of family caregivers, professional caregivers and non-caregivers, the association between sociodemographic variables and health, and the correlation between dysfunctional thoughts about care and health. Participants were 204 women attending psychoeducational workshops in Seville and province (Spain), and GHQ28 (General Health Questionnaire) and CPD (Care Dysfunctional Thoughts) were applied. The results showed that being familiar caregiver has negative effects on health, especially anxiety, that the higher education level is associated with better health, and that, in general, there is slight correlation between dysfunctional thoughts and health, being non-existent in caregivers. Therefore, dysfunctional thoughts are not always is associated topathological effects. Finally, some sociocultural considerations in order to discusscare practices and possible therapeutic involvements of the study are showed
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