Percepciones de alumnado y profesorado sobre las creencias, actitudes y valores que se promueven en la interacción de la clase de educación física

  1. Guerrero Soto, Jesús Arturo
Supervised by:
  1. Rossana Tamara Medina Valencia Director
  2. Manuel Vizuete Carrizosa Co-director
  3. Elsa Maria Ferro Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 13 July 2021

  1. Francisco José Dós Santos Sobral Leal Chair
  2. Sebastián Feu Molina Secretary
  3. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 672057 DIALNET


The research determines the perceptions of students and teachers about the interactions, attitudes and values, which are taught, learned and promoted in the educational practice of the physical education class; the impact of these beliefs and the influence on the formation of values are analyzed; the preference they assign to subjects in the school curriculum; and values. It was a field, mixed, descriptive, interpretative, comparative, transversal and prospective investigation. The study subjects were 3,622 fifth and sixth grade primary school students and 219 physical education teachers. The results confirm that there are significant differences between the actors in the study: the students decide their own attitudes and recognize those of others, positively value the work and performance of the teaching staff, prefer the subject, they enjoy class activities. They recognize that the teacher teaches values, they demand attention, not punishment or restriction, they do not like conflicts, they play fair but some cheat, respect, love and honesty prevail and influence in favor of improving their behaviors. The teachers promote positive attitudes and values in the class, recognize their attitudes, their subject is the best, they consider themselves happy and emotional, they intervene in student conflicts, they have some deficiencies in dealing with students, they consider serious indiscipline situations, The values of respect, honesty and love prevail, they need support and advice in relation to education in values. It is conclude that this study lays fundamental foundations in order to improve educational practice and the search for didactic strategies for a more comprehensive ethical and moral training.