Análisis de la formación del jugador de fútbol en la etapa de iniciación desde la perspectiva del entrenador

Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Director
  2. Manuel Tomás Abad Robles Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 05 July 2021


Type: Thesis


The process of training a football player is a long journey dependent on multiple factors, from the training he receives to social and environmental factors. Taking into account the complexity of this process and the difficulty achieving sporting excellence, one of the fundamental aspects to be able to know this process in greater depth and objectivity is the opinion and experience of experts who have been investigating and working on the different conditions for talent development for years. The different works which have already been carried out in different sports (Pazo, 2011; Robles. et al., 2016; Sáenz-López et al. 2006), are those that address this issue, and it is also extensible to the field of women's football, which it is booming. Due to the complexity that surrounds the understanding of the training process of the football player, it is necessary to continue investigating, deepening and analyzing from different perspectives. That is why this research analyzes the training process of the football player in the initiation stage, taking into account the criteria of the coach, one of the most influential entities in the player training process, with the following objectives: i) design and validate a research instrument that makes it possible to reliably study the training process of football players in the initiation stage from the coach's perspective, ii) know the profile of the coach of the initiation stage of professional Spanish category clubs male and female, and iii) detect the needs and possibilities for improvement in the sports training process of players in the initiation stage of professional clubs in Spain. A quantitative research design was carried out, in which a total of 153 main coaches of the U11 -U12 categories (n = 85) and U9-U10 categories (n = 68) of the Spanish men's first and second division clubs and the first Spanish female’s división participated, representing the 82% of the total study population. For this, a questionnaire was designed and validated to analyze and study the training process of football players in the initiation stage, composed of 57 questions, organized and grouped in 7 different dimensions that correspond to aspects that influence the development and evolution in grassroots football players: sociodemographic variables, identification and development of talent, training methodology, competitive context, qualities of the coach, the training of the coach and the social context. Once the data had been collected, the statistical analysis was carried out through the statistical program SPSS 13.0, where a descriptive an alysis was applied, in which the frequencies, means and deviations of the different questions posed in all dimensions were obtained, and an inferential analysis, in which the Kruskal Wallis Test was applied with a significance level of 95% (p = .05) with Bonferroni adjustment (.05 / n-1). Subsequently, the U-Mann Whitney Test was applied for the comparison by pairs and for the qualitative variables the Chi Cuadrado test. Some results stood out such as the little presence of the female gender exercising the XII figure of initiation coach in professional clubs, the little experience of the coaches in their respective categories, the lack of consensus in the teaching methods to be applied, the high degree of agreement in that modifications are needed in the competition rules and the insufficient training they receive from official courses to exercise the role of coach in the initiation stage. In addition, some peculiarities were detected between the men's and women's teams. It was concluded that the profile of the coach of U11-U12 and U9-U10 categories of a professional club is male, 20 and 30 years old, with little experience in these categories, with specific degree of football level II, related university studies with the sport and who has been a former grassroots or amateur football player. Some conclusions are also stand out, such as the need to review some criteria in the process of identifying and developing talent, the lack of consensus in the teaching methods to be used, the need for specialist coaches at this stage who have pedagogical skills and the insufficiency that has the training that coaches receive through football coach degree to coach teams in these categories.