¿De verdad sabes lo que quieres buscar?Expansión guiada visualmente de la cadena de búsqueda usando ontologías y grafos de conceptos

  1. Villa Cordero, Manuel de la
  2. García Pérez, Sebastián
  3. Maña López, Manuel Jesús
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 47

Pages: 21-29

Type: Article

More publications in: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

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Many reports talk about the shortage of terms commonly used in the search strings, making it difficult to effectively discriminate relevant documents from the user. Search engines return thousands of documents recovered, leading to inadequate results, with no semantic connection with the consultation and little to do with the user's needs. This is heightened in a biomedical field where the patients does not usually dominate the specialized vocabulary needed for the precise definition of their information needs. We present a method of expansion and enrichment of the search string by creating a visual model diagram, a graph of semantically related concepts with the help of ontologies as UMLS and Freebase.

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