E-learning y B-learning de la estadística en el nuevo currículo universitario español. ¿Por qué y cómo?

  1. Ortega Moreno, Mónica
  2. Castilla Mora, Lorenzo
  3. Serrano Czaia, Isabel
Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

ISSN: 1136-3819

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: El reto de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo en contextos de crisis

Issue: 24

Pages: 127-139

Type: Article

More publications in: Trabajo: Revista iberoamericana de relaciones laborales

Sustainable development goals


The Spanish universities are currently undergoing a process of change due to the introduction of the new curricula. Thus, it seems that it may be this a good time for the introduction, in case of not having already done so, of alternatives to the face-to-face teaching such as e-leaming or b-learning. It should be rioted the magnificent opportunity posed by this mode of learning for people who work and study simultaneously or for those who live far from the place where the aimed are offered. However, the implementation of these methodologies is not always an easy fact. This is the case of the teaching of the Statistics. The experience so far, both in face-to-face and distance teaching, tells us that the students are less autonomous in the learning of contents that are not entirely theoretical, such as the case of Statistics. All this becomes worse if practices with statistical software are incorporated because problems arise, on the one hand, with the proper use of software and, on the other, with the acquisition of the same one. Equally to the teacher appears difficulties of the same nature because it is difficult, for example, work or assess aspects such as the mathematical reasoning irrespective of contact with the pupil. Of course, not all are disadvantages in the distance learning of Statistics. All these problems that we are finding have to be considered, but they must not be an impediment to the success of the distance learning of Statistics. This paper try to delve into the goodness of teaching Statistics using e-learning and b-learning as well as review the problems that have raised along our teaching experience and show the solutions we have given to them. We also make an analysis of the didactic utility of some resources to support the teaching, moodle, Wimba Create, FreeMind, Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro..., as well as the use ofspecific software for Statistics, SPSS, Excel or R. We will finish the work indicating possible improvements in our practice for teaching Statistics making use of e-learning or b-learning.

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