Modificación del pensamiento del alumnado que cursa tutoría y orientación en educación infantil
- Ávila Fernández, José Antonio
- Conde Vélez, Sara
ISSN: 1133-2654
Year of publication: 2013
Issue: 22
Pages: 211-228
Type: Article
More publications in: Tendencias pedagógicas
This paper presents a study on the change of thinking that occurs in students currently enrolled in the course of tutoring and mentoring in Early Childhood Education. This is an investigation of the work itself, reflecting the teacher and the student group / as always from the perspective of thought, based on the experience of students formed. The work process consists of two stages of information gathering. The first phase aims to collect the previous ideas. In the second phase, in the form of a final thought, is the information that complements the above and provide us with insights into the change of thought.
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