Maltrato y delincuencia

  1. Paíno Quesada, Susana Gaspara
  2. Revuelta Pérez, Francisco

ISSN: 0214-9915

Datum der Publikation: 2002

Titel der Ausgabe: Especial Violencia

Ausgabe: 14

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 101-108

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Psicothema


The objective of this work is to know, on the one hand, the relation of determined familiar variables with the manifestation of the conduct of bad treatments; and, on the other hand, the relation between the existence of maltreatment in the childhood and the later criminal conduct in a sample of prisoners of the Penitentiary Establishment of Villabona (Asturias). Familiar, school, labour variables and of health, penitentiary history and history of drug addiction were analysed; all collected in a life history that was applied to a sample of 87 people. The processing of the data was carried out by means of statistical package SPSS. The results indicate several questions. In the first place, the variable antecedent of addiction of the father (fundamentally alcohol addiction) is one of the analysed variables more significant before the variable criterion of familiar mistreat. Secondly, also the criminal records of the father have incidence in the existence of bad treatments in the familiar scope. Finally, the antecedents of addiction or penitentiaries of the mother with respect to the criterion variable is not significant. On the other hand, the relation between the existence of mistreat and familiar variables to penitentiary history (age to enter in prison, recidivism...)also have been significant.

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