Estrategias inteligentes de comunicación interna y gestión empresarial
- Beatriz Peña Acuña 1
- Paloma del Henar Sánchez 2
- Gonzalo Wandosell Fdez. de Bobadilla 1
- 1 Universidad Católica San Antonio (España)
- 2 Universidad de Murcia (España)
ISSN: 1012-1587
Year of publication: 2015
Issue: 3
Pages: 944-966
Type: Article
More publications in: Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
The main objective of this study is to analyze the internal communication tools of three Spanish leading companies worldwide: Inditex, Santander Bank and Telefonica. We will find out what kind of strategies used to manage the communication of the company too. These companies have not only survived the Spanish crisis but they also remain on growth and international expansion. It will be used a descriptive-analytic Methodology study of multiple case from a qualitative perspective through which viewed primary and secondary sources, it will be established the principles governing the foundations of the strategy of each company. In turn, the external impact is analyzed and a qualitative study and interpretation of speeches that make these companies from the department of communication.