Diferencias entre salud real y salud percibida como dificultador para la adquisición de conductas saludables en costaleros

  1. José Miguel Robles Romero 1
  2. Juan Gómez Salgado 1
  3. Eduardo J. Fernández Ozcorta 1
  4. Juan Jesús García Iglesias 1
  5. Manuel Blanco Guillena 1
  6. Macarena Romero Martín 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Huelva, Huelva (España)
RqR Enfermería Comunitaria

ISSN: 2254-8270

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 8

Issue: 1

Pages: 46-54

Type: Article

More publications in: RqR Enfermería Comunitaria


Objective. The objective of the study is to analyze if there is a correspondence between the perceptions that people have of their health status compares with real body composition data obtained from analysis. Methods. Transversal descriptive study of a sample of 101 men belonging to a group of costaleros from the province of Huelva, with an age between 18-51 years (28,86 ± 8,63). An analysis of body composition by means of bioelectrical impedance was carried out, as well as a validated survey to know the perception of their health status, their physical condition and the stile life that they practice. Results. 67,43% of costaleros have a BMI outside of normality and 25% of them have a high cardiovascular risk. Regarding their perception of health, 70% of them think that it’s good or very good. It’s observed that for each kilogram of fat that increase their perception of health, it decreases 0,03 points and their physical condition is 0,04. Conclusions. The bearers consider their health as good despite being above the ideal weight in more than ten kilograms on average and have sedentary lives, which encourages individuals to make no effort to change their unhealthy attitudes and lifestyle habits, limiting the physical activity to punctual labour efforts and / or some sports practice doesn’t continue

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