Dependencia y psicopatología en deportistas: un estudio piloto

  1. Cristina Ortiz García
  2. Félix Arbinaga Ibarzabal
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Any de publicació: 2016

Número: 112

Pàgines: 44-58

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Informació psicològica


Exercise dependence presents similar characteristics to substance dependence disorders (Adams, Millar y Graus 2003). The main goal suggested was to make a pilot study and to analyze the differentiating existence of psychopathology according to the level of exercise dependence in a sample of 50 athletes. The instruments used were the “Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS-R)” by Downs, Hausenblas and Nigg (2004), and the SCL-90- R (Derogatis, 1975). In EDS-R there are not sexual differences and just those who have a coach score higher, in Time-Dedicated subscale, in contrast to those who do not. Nonfederal athletes, against federal ones, score higher in Lack of Control and Intentional Effect subscales, as well as in Anxiety-Phobic and Psychoticism. In ANOVA (EDS-R and SCL-90) Dependents are those, in contrast to Symptomatic Non-Dependents and the Asymptomatic ones, who get the highest scores in all subscales of SCL-90-R except for Hostility subscale and there are just differences among Dependents and Asymptomatic groups in Phobic subscale. In conclusion, dependents show higher levels of psychopathology and it would be recommended to strengthen future studies with larger samples to deepen these relationships.

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