El uso de videoclips en la enseñanza de la destreza lectora en lengua extranjera con adultos universitarios
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 2341-3255
Año de publicación: 2020
Título del ejemplar: Radiografía de la innovación educativa en el SXXI
Número: 8
Páginas: 45-63
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: RESED: Revista de estudios socioeducativos
At university levels, the reading abilities of the students are expected to be fully developed, as they are key to academic and professional success. However, there is evidence that a significant number of university undergraduates with foreign language classes present difficulties in silent reading fluency, which hinders their reading comprehension and knowledge acquisition. Due to the close relationship between musical aptitude and reading skills, the use of videoclips in the foreign language classroom can have a positive impact on learning. After measuring the silent reading fluency of 46 university students and checking the relationship with their musical aptitude, an educational experience was launched. For this, the type of videoclips that students usually consume in the FL was analyzed and a didactic experience with videoclips and LKT was designed. The teaching innovation in the classroom, and the possible benefits to improve learning were verified. The results and comments collected show the benefits of using subtitled videoclips and creating kahoots with comprehension questions about the videoclips improve the knowledge of FL.
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