Úlceras arteriales y venosasla física de la dinámica de fluidos vasculares como base de la prevención primaria enfermera

Revista ROL de enfermería

ISSN: 0210-5020

Ano de publicación: 2020

Volume: 43

Número: 5

Páxinas: 52-59

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista ROL de enfermería


Vascular ulcers are wounds in the lower limbs caused or aggravated by a problem in the distal blood flow, either by the supply in the case of arterial ulcers and return in the case of venous ulcers. The knowledge of the physiopathological process behind its etiology helps to understand the cause and evolution of vascular ulcers. In addition, the understanding of the physiological mechanisms that cause them allows to choose the most effective preventive measure or the most appropriate healing treatment. Thus, more effective interventions aimed at the etiology of the problem are achieved. These measures prevent the ulcers from appearing or getting worse, or in the case of presenting them, they promote an early healing, and therefore, a higher quality of life for the patients. The nurses must know the pathophysiological process of such wounds, since it is in charge of promoting preventive measures, as well as performing the cures effectively, reducing recurrences.

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