La crisis de la democracia parlamentaria. El caso de la COVID-19
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
ISSN: 0034-7639
Année de publication: 2021
Número: 216
Pages: 101-139
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista de administración pública
It is the responsibility of parliament under constitutional principles to enact an act providing the powers - ordinary and extraordinary - to be given to the executive in the fight against contagious diseases. Extraordinary emergency powers - exercised through regulations according to such act - can affect fundamental rights, sources of the law and allocation of competences in a multilevel system. Hence the need, firstly, for such an act to meet special requirements and, secondly, for an intense parliamentary scrutiny. If parliament fails in this twofold mission, first and foremost in the comprehensive regulation of those powers with due safeguards, it creates other serious consequential constitutional concerns and a severe democratic deficit.
Références bibliographiques
- Lord Sumption, «Government by decree - Covid-19 and the Constitution», conferencia pronunciada el 27 de octubre de 2020 (disponible en YouTube:, última visita junio de 2021)
- Manuel Colmeiro, Derecho Administrativo español, Madrid, 1850 (cfr. Biblioteca Digital Hispánica).
- Jeff King, Natalie Byrom (2020), «The Province of Delegated Legislation», en The Foundations and Future of Public Law: Essays in Honour of Paul Craig, OUP.
- Susan Rose-Ackerman (2021), Democracy and Executive Power: Policymaking Accountability in the US, the UK, Germany and France, Yale University Press.