Characterization of an NTD Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detector Employing a Pulsed Proton Microbeam

  1. Duenas, J.A.
  2. Pasquali, G.
  3. Acosta, L.
  4. Parsani, T.
  5. Riccio, F.
  6. Carraresi, L.
  7. Taccetti, F.
  8. Castoldi, A.
  9. Guazzoni, C.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

ISSN: 0018-9499

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 64

Issue: 9

Pages: 2551-2560

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2017.2734568 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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