La recepción de la novela griega en la novela áurea española

  1. Sánchez Soler, Emilia
Supervised by:
  1. Consuelo Ruiz Montero Director
  2. Ana Luisa Baquero Escudero Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 07 June 2021

  1. María Regla Fernández Garrido Chair
  2. Diana de Paco Serrano Secretary
  3. Elena Nicolás Cantabella Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of this work is to investigate the reception of the Greek novel in the adventure novels of the Golden Age. Therefore, our first task has been to select those golden novels that have been the pioneers in showing the influence of the Greek models in their theme and structure prior to the consolidation of the genre in the Cervantes’ work Persiles y Segismunda (1617). The golden novels chosen were Los amores de Clareo y Florisea y los trabajos de la sinvetura Isea by Alonso Núñez de Reinoso (1552), Selva de Aventuras, by Jerónimo de Contreras (1583) and El peregrino en su patria by Lope de Vega. Our objective has been to carry out a comparative study between these novels and their Greek models, Leucipe and Clitophon by Achilles Tacio, and the Ethiopian by Heliodorus. The study was carried out in three phases, following the comparative method of Ute Heidmann and attending to the type of relationship between texts established by Genette. The first phase has been dedicated to the detection, comparison and critical interpretation of parallels between the classical sources and the golden authors. In this first introductory phase, we have devoted special attention to the social factors that have made possible, on the one hand, the demand for this type of novel by readers in both periods, and, on the other, the transmission of Greek novels to the time of the Golden Age. In a second phase, the similarities and differences in content and structure between the Greek novels and the Golden Age novels have been analyzed, based on the configuration of the story through the study of the functions of the story, and that of the discourse through narrative techniques. We have added the study of thematic motifs that appear repeatedly in the literary tradition. In a third and final phase, the transformation of the Greek model has been studied, as well as the adaptation and innovations made by each golden author of the corresponding Greek work. Our work has tried to show the validity and prolongation of these ancient Greek models, as well as the process of transformation and updating of the same in a new historical stage.