Resistencia, interdependencia y sanación en la literatura afroespañola contemporánea"Hija del camino" de Lucía Asué Mbomío Rubio

  1. Mar Gallego 1
  1. 1 COIDESO, Universidad de Huelva
Voces disidentes contra la misoginia: nuevas perspectivas desde la sociología, la literatura y el arte
  1. García Valdés, Pablo (coord.)
  2. Gorgojo Iglesias, Raisa (coord.)
  3. Mayor de la Iglesia, Enrique (coord.)

Verlag: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-1122-641-7

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Seiten: 529-542

Art: Buch-Kapitel


Counteracting the prevalent discourse of hate, violence and conspiracy which characterizes our globalized world nowadays, contemporary Afrospanish women writers seek for alternative formulations to articulate resistance, interdependence and healing as essential notions to claim the right to their own definition and self-worth. So, their cultural interventions have a very positive impact on crucial issues such as cultural representations and identity formation, both at an individual and collective levels. Drawing from a markedly intersectional perspective, their works mean a direct challenge to the established order which intends to impose and sustain systemic racism and sexism. Consequently, their research on female corporalities in their narratives contribute to dismantle the patriarchal and racist system, and critique Spanish amnesia about the colonial past. One of the most brilliant examples of this kind of narratives is Hija del camino (Daughter of the trail), published in 2019, by thewriter Lucía Asué Mbomío Rubio, which demonstrates that Afrospanish women can denounce and actively fight against racist and sexist practices, and find paths to restoration and healing.