Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Flipped Classroom and Continuous Assessment in the Nursing-Management Classroom
- Juan Diego González-Sanz
- Antonio Cervera Barajas
- Ana Abreu Sánchez
- Rosa Mª Contreras
- M. Carmen Martín Pérez Bellido
- Elia Fernández Martínez
ISSN: 2393-6606, 1688-8375
Year of publication: 2022
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: Enfermería: cuidados humanizados
Abstract: Introduction: Although the training of nurses in administration and leadership has an important repercussion on the present and the future of the profession, teaching methods are still traditional in many cases. Flipped classroom is a widely used method in nursing education but studies about its application to Nursing Administration and Management are limited. Method: Qualitative study by means of anonymous survey (dichotomous and open questions). Results: 92 % of students were shown to be satisfied with the teaching methodology and 92.9 % with the assessment. Only 31.5 % had used it previously but 83 % would like to use it in more subjects. The students showed that the methodology used had improved their opinion about the content and had increased their perception its usefulness. Conclusion: The participating students have been shown to be satisfied with flipped method and continuous assessment. These teaching strategies can help motivate nursing students towards the subject of Nursing Administration and Management, which can encourage them to pursue postgraduate training and professional practice in this area
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