El papel de la Unión Europea en la acción ante el cambio climático
- Fernández Egea, Rosa María (coord.)
- Macía Morillo, Andrea (coord.)
ISSN: 1575-8427
Datum der Publikation: 2022
Titel der Ausgabe: El derecho en la encrucijada: Los retos y oportunidades que plantea el cambio climático
Nummer: 26
Seiten: 135-156
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Anuario de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
The European Union has played a significant role in action in climate change action, adopting pioneering legal measures, and promoting the negotiation of international agreements for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. This study reflects on the effects of European climate leadership in the implementation of an ambitious climate policy in the domestic sphere, as well as in the articulation of its foreing action. The climate leadership self-mandate established in the European development strategy is analyzed in a general way, as well as the implementation of this mandate through the action of the European Union in the development of the international climate regime; in the climatic coherence of its foreign action; and in the promotion of the global climate ambition through the internal market.
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