La Casa de la Columnaun espacio doméstico artesanal en la ciudad de Arucci
- Javier Bermejo Meléndez
- Lucía Fernández Sutilo
- Francisco Marfil Vázquez
- Nieves Medina Rosales
- Alberto Bermejo Meléndez
- Juan M. Campos Carrasco
- Amanda López Sánchez
- Javier Jiménez Ávila (ed. lit.)
- Macarena Bustamante-Álvarez (ed. lit.)
- Francisco Javier Mora Heras (ed. lit.)
Publisher: Ayuntamiento de Zafra
ISBN: 978-84-09-45162-3
Year of publication: 2022
Pages: 1053
Congress: Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular (10. 2018. Zafra (Badajoz))
Type: Conference paper
The successive interventions developed in the Arucci site have allowed us to obtain an outstanding volume ofdata related to the urban planning of the city and its diachronic evolution through some of its unique elementssuch as the forum, macellum, campus and various domestic environments. The so-called column house is the paradigmof a domestic-craft environment, with a changing morphology that allows recognize in its, different phasesof the own city, from its foundation to its collapse, identifying, at the same time, the moment of maximum urbandevelopment apogee. In the same way, the archaeo-architectural analysis is a key tool for the definition of this spacein contrast to other domestic environments of a more noble character such as the so-called north house or theperistilo house.