Adolescencia y mediación de la salud. Sistema educativo vs asociacionismo en la ciudad de Sevilla.

  1. Barbero Radío, Antonio Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. José-Rafael González-López Director
  2. Ángeles García-Carpintero Muñoz Director

Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla

Fecha de defensa: 15 September 2017

  1. María de las Mercedes Lomas Campos Chair
  2. Rosa Casado Mejía Secretary
  3. Antonio Claret García Martínez Committee member
  4. Manuel Ortega Calvo Committee member
  5. Daniel López-López Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 480953 DIALNET lock_openIdus editor


Mediation in health is a peer education strategy as an alternative to risk behavior, and it is worth asking about its special impact on young people, with the objective of knowing the perception or valuation of the same in Seville; Both in the educational and associative system. The research method has been qualitative through interviews with 49 professionals and 427 young people from 8 institutes and 12 youth associations, to obtain the representative variety of the total of social objects and not only until the saturation of speech. The results include mediation in health as an individual or group intervention: counseling, thematic information and conflict resolution as a more familiar concept (social mediation). It is also bidirectional in that it makes it possible to collect data for the diagnosis of community health. The ideal mediator profile is equal age, environment and / or experience; With didactic leadership and training, also in social and communicative skills. With age there is greater predisposition and valuation of informal mediation based on experience and attitude, regardless of the equal factor. The educational system is more pertinent but the associationism is more effective and complementary to the previous one; With great profitability in primary care in relation to stigmatized groups and / or in social exclusion. The most effective area of mediation is counseling on psycho-affective and emotional issues and information on sexuality. There are more girls than unidentified mediation agents by teenagers and young people as part of the Young Form team; Autonomous youth information and training program; Voluntary in secondary education, discontinuous due to lack of resources and with territorial variability in Seville with the need for support from the municipal health program.