Anastylosis virtual de la puerta occidentaldel Castellum de Tamuda (Tetuan, Marruecos)
- Javier Bermejo Meléndez 1
- Juan Manuel Campos Carrasco 1
- Lucía Fernández Sutilo 1
- Águeda Gómez Rodríguez 1
- Darío Bernal Casasola 2
- Mustapha Ghottes 3
- 1 Universidad de Huelva. España
- 2 Universidad de Cádiz. España
- 3 Universidad Abdelmalek-Essaadi. Tetuán, Marruecos
- Grande León, Alfredo (coord.)
- López-Menchero Bendicho, Víctor Manuel (coord.)
- Hernández-Barahona, Ángeles (coord.)
Verlag: Sociedad Española de Arqueología Virtual
ISBN: 978-84-694-4361-3
Datum der Publikation: 2011
Seiten: 295-299
Kongress: Arqueológica 2.0: Congreso Internacional de Arqueología e Informática Gráfica, Patrimonio e Innovación (2. 2010. La Rinconada, Sevilla)
Art: Konferenz-Beitrag
In the following work the results obtained of the analysis expose paramental realized in the western door of Tamuda's castellum (Tetuán, Morocco), in thedevelopment of the campaign investigation(research) and putting in value corresponding to 2009. The above mentioned results have allowed to establish andiachronic analysis on the evolution of this door of the Roman camp, in which they could have established different constructive phases from the first foundationsmoments up to the last moment of use. It has allowed, thanks to the information obtained so much by means of stratigraphic polls as of the study archeoarchitecturaof the paraments, the virtual reconstruction of the set along his(her,your) different phases, offering a visual trustworthy enough image.