Interacción social e interacción discursiva de un canal de YouTube educativo
- Anzola-Gomez, John 1
- Rivera-Rogel, Diana 2
- Aguaded, Ignacio 1
Universidad de Huelva
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
ISSN: 2172-9077
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: New technologies for the exercise of specialized communication
Issue: 25
Pages: 115-132
Type: Article
More publications in: Fonseca, Journal of Communication
YouTube is a social network that represents web development as it is a space where anyone can publish audiovisual content and where the user can generate different types of interaction. In the educational field, the interaction between teacher and student is essential for the teaching-learning process development, so the analysis of communicative interactions in digital environments such as YouTube is necessary. This research seeks to examine the rates of social interaction and discursive interaction that are present in a YouTube channel dedicated to education. Through a mixed-type investigation, the rate of social interaction is quantitatively analyzed and through a qualitative content analysis, the discursive marks that show the discursive interaction are identified. The results allow us to see that the rate of social interaction is low and coincides with the results of other investigations; it can also be seen that the use of discursive markers is made without a pedagogical aim. The design of a communicative act planned from educommunication would lead to better results in relation to communicative processes.
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