Tolerancia hacia el ciberacoso en el noviazgo: Analizando su relación con la violencia de género
- Triano López, Patricia 1
- Morales Marente, Elena 2
- Palacios Gálvez, María Soledad 2
- 1 Escuela de Doctorado, Universidad de Huelva (España)
- 2 Universidad de Huelva (España)
ISSN: 1578-5319
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Pages: 71-92
Type: Article
More publications in: Health and addictions: salud y drogas
Aim. The main goal of the present study is to analyze the relationship between tolerance of online harassment in romantic relationships (OHRR) and the following variables that have been traditionally studied in research on gender-based violence (GBV): ambivalent sexism, and myths of romantic love and GBV. Additionally, sex-based differences among all the variables were analyzed. Method. 390 university students (M = 20.76; SD = 4.83) voluntarily completed an anonymous questionnaire. Results. Results revealed a positive correlation between OHRR and the other variables. Regarding sexbased differences, male respondents showed stronger sexist beliefs, greater internalization of the myths about romantic love and GBV, and higher tolerance of OHRR than did the female respondents. Conclusions. Given the social relevance of the topic and the results, it´s recommended to address these issues in academic and prevention programs for university students and offer several suggestions for future studies
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