Carlistas y falangistas en la provincia de Huelvade la lucha contra la República al Movimiento Nacional
- González Orta, Juan Ignacio
- Encarnación Lemus López Director
- Cristóbal García García Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 27 September 2022
- Leandro Álvarez Rey Chair
- Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco Secretary
- Mercedes Peñalba Sotorrío Committee member
Type: Thesis
This doctoral thesis focuses on the study of the two main sociopolitical forces that converged in the Movimiento Nacional (National Movement), the only party of the Franco dictatorship: the monarchical traditionalism of the Traditionalist Communion (CT) and the Hispanic version of fascism represented by the Spanish Falange of the Boards of the National Trade Union Offensive (FE de las JONS), dealing with both the organizations and, above all, the men and women who formed them. Both were part of the broad spectrum of the authoritarian anti-liberal right in the days of the Second Republic –although they were not the only ones–, increasingly radicalized in their fight against parliamentary democracy. Despite the differences between the two in terms of political traditions, forms of mobilization, organizational structure or future aspirations, the deep rejection shown by Carlists and Falangists against everything that represented the republican political project, perceived as dangerously revolutionary, as well as their desire to put an end to it through violence united them when, in the summer of 1936, they were subordinated to the orders of the military coup leaders. However, the forced unification of the Communion and the Falange decreed by Franco in April 1937 finished with the desire to make any autonomous project prevail and turned the single party into a mere instrument for framing, social control and the search for consensus around the new regime born in the war. From the spatial point of view, the study is limited to a specific provincial area, taking Huelva as a reference but without losing sight of other broader explanatory frameworks. It is undoubtedly a peripheral space, far from the great political and economic decision-making centers, but this does not make it less valid for analyzing from below the process of convergence of the anti-republican counterrevolutionary forces to the institutionalization of the so-called National Movement, in which they were integrated. The deeply rooted class organizations of the left movement in certain areas of the province also provide elements of special interest to understand to what extent anti-democratic discourses permeated the population, promoted the mobilization of certain social sectors in defense of their interests and allowed to the dictatorship its imposition.