Mollusc collection and Holocene palaeogeographical evolution in a southwestern iberian estuary: Statistical analysis of the early Holocene Cañada Honda shell midden (SW Spain)

  1. Fernández, L.
  2. Ruiz, F.
  3. Gómez, G.
  4. Muñoz, J.M.
  5. Rodríguez Vidal, J.
  6. Cáceres, L.M.
  7. Gómez, P.
  8. Toscano, A.
  9. Arroyo, M.
  10. Romero, V.
Quaternary International

ISSN: 1040-6182

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Ausgabe: 658

Seiten: 24-35

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.1016/J.QUAINT.2023.02.008 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

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