Impacto en la familia del diagnóstico de Trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA) en un hijo/auna revisión sistemática
- Sofía Lavado-Candelario 1
- Alicia Muñoz-Silva 1
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 0211-7339, 2173-6855
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 49
Issue: 180
Pages: 3-53
Type: Article
More publications in: Análisis y modificación de conducta
This systematic review analyzes the family impact of diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a son or daughter. A total of 44 papers published between 2009 and 2023 were obtained, whose findings indicate that the diagnosis of ASD can alter the quality of life -with a notable presence of stress- and family functioning, with effects on couple relationships, relationships parents-children with ASD and with typical development, as well as in the siblings of the child diagnosed. This impact is mediated by variables such as social support or parental cognitive styles. For all these reasons, interventions are crucial to provide families with strategies to manage both the impact of the diagnosis and the day-to-day life with their sons and daughters. Finally, future research should deepen into the less explored topics such as the consequences for siblings.
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