Estimación distribuida de sistemas LTI basada en confianza

  1. A. Rodríguez del Nozal 1
  2. L. Orihuela 2
  3. P. Millán 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Sevilla

    Universidad de Sevilla

    Sevilla, España


  2. 2 Universidad Loyola Andalucía

    Universidad Loyola Andalucía

    Sevilla, España


XL Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas. Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre de 2019
  1. Jose Luis Calvo Rolle (coord.)
  2. Jose Luis Casteleiro Roca (coord.)
  3. María Isabel Fernández Ibáñez (coord.)
  4. Óscar Fontenla Romero (coord.)
  5. Esteban Jove Pérez (coord.)
  6. Alberto José Leira Rejas (coord.)
  7. José Antonio López Vázquez (coord.)
  8. Vanesa Loureiro Vázquez (coord.)
  9. María Carmen Meizoso López (coord.)
  10. Francisco Javier Pérez Castelo (coord.)
  11. Andrés José Piñón Pazos (coord.)
  12. Héctor Quintián Pardo (coord.)
  13. Juan Manuel Rivas Rodríguez (coord.)
  14. Benigno Rodríguez Gómez (coord.)
  15. Rafael Alejandro Vega Vega (coord.)

Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña

ISBN: 978-84-9749-716-9

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 435-441

Congress: Jornadas de Automática (40. 2019. Ferrol)

Type: Conference paper


This paper deals with the problem of distributedly estimate the state of a plant by a network of interconnected agents. The main aim of each agent is to reconstruct the whole state based on their local mea-surements and the information exchanged with the neighboring agents. We consider the existence of random events such as cyber-attacks or link failures that can affect to the agents and spread through the network. The paper introduces a robust design method and an algorithm in order to face these problems.