La canción popular de Baena (Córdoba).Transcripción y aplicación didáctica para las enseñanzas básicas del lenguaje musical

Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Checa Olmos Director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 18 May 2023

  1. Celeste Jiménez de Madariaga Chair
  2. Juan Rafael Muñoz Muñoz Secretary
  3. Elena Freire Paz Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 805033 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


The popular song in Baena is a theme that had previously been initiated by authors from that region, leaving transcriptions in text format as a proof of it. With this thesis, the musical transcription and harmonization of some of the melodies that supported those lyrics will be added as a new contribution. In order to achieve it, an initial hypothesis was fixed. It considered that students would be more involved in learning contents of musical language through their ancestors’ songs. This is the reason why musical language has been used as a notation system, as well as an identically-named subject within the study programme of Elementary Music Education. A didactic unit has been designed for each of the selected and transcribed melodies in order to facilitate their work in the classroom, and thus, to guarantee their transmission and durability. By doing this, the specific objectives of this thesis would be achieved and a musical transcription result would remain in the form of a didactic application. Keywords: popular song, conservatories, elementary music teaching, didactic unit and musical language.