The paradoxical position of nurses regarding euthanasia and its legalisation: A descriptive quantitative study

  1. Ortega-Galán, Á.M.
  2. Ibáñez-Masero, O.
  3. Fernández-Martínez, E.
  4. Ortiz-Amo, R.
  5. Fernández-Santos, L.
  6. Ruiz-Fernández, M.D.
Journal of Clinical Nursing

ISSN: 1365-2702 0962-1067

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 32

Issue: 23-24

Pages: 8007-8016

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/JOCN.16869 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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