Las emociones en el aprendizaje de las ciencias de la naturaleza en el alumnado de educación primaria. Un programa de intervención emocional

  1. Del Rosal Sánchez, Irene
Supervised by:
  1. Florentina Cañada Cañada Director
  2. María Luisa Bermejo García Co-director
  3. María Antonia Dávila Acedo Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 07 July 2023

  1. María Ángeles de las Heras Pérez Chair
  2. David González Gómez Secretary
  3. Vicente Mellado Jiménez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 816376 DIALNET


he present investigation is focused on the stage of Primary Education, moment in which the emotions of the students towards the Natural Sciences begin to crystallize. The first objective of this research is to analyze and establish relationships between the emotions experienced by students in the 5th and 6th years of Primary Education in the subject of Natural Sciences and to find the possible causes that originate these emotions. With the results obtained, it can be affirmed that Primary Education students experience positive emotions towards the different study contents, the negative emotion of "boredom" being characteristic in Block IV - Matter and Energy. For this reason, secondly, an educational intervention proposal based on practical activities and experimentation is designed and elaborated, through challenges and gamification, related to the teaching-learning of matter, its properties and mixtures, within the Block IV – Matter and Energy, working on contents such as "the properties of matter", "the measurement of mass and volume", "mixtures and their separation" and "the effects of force: buoyancy" in the classroom 5th year of Primary Education. The results of the educational intervention proposal determine a significant improvement not only in the level of knowledge, but also in emotions, perception, self-esteem and self-efficacy, metaphors and knowledge of relevant scientific figures when activities based on experimentation are put into practice. gamification and group work.