Organizar los centros educativos para atender a la diversidad
- Inmaculada Gómez Hurtado 1
- Alejandro Enrique Herencia Anillo 2
Universidad de Huelva
- 2 Junta de Andalucía. Delegación Territorial de Desarrollo Educativo y Formación Profesional y de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación en Huelva
- Emilia Moreno Sánchez (coord.)
- José Ramón Márquez Díaz (coord.)
Publisher: Pirámide
ISBN: 978-84-368-4858-8
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 197-220
Type: Book chapter
One of the relevant issues for all schools today is to respond to the diversity of people who are involved in it. Building an inclusive school that responds to everyone is a priority objective also included in the 2030 Agenda The organization of the school is an essential element in the implementation of measures and actions that can provide an adequate response to individual characteristics of all the people who participate in an educational center. In this chapter, we try to give an overview of how diversity is addressed from the organization of the educational center, starting from an inclusive perspective of education, from which we are convinced that a response is given to all the diversity of people.