La construcción teórica de la corrupción¿Tenemos claro de qué hablamos?
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 1885-589X
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 18
Pages: 409-427
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista internacional de pensamiento político
One of the major drawbacks that distorts any investigation into corruption is to define the material object of study. Corruption, being a multiform phenomenon and, in some way, omnipresent in all cultural coordinates, requires multidisciplinary approaches, so that descriptivism and positivism are transcended. The study of corruption, its theoretical conceptualization and the methodologies of approaching, have been in the hands of organizations that have monopolized its design, its creation and, overall, its meaning, turning their efforts more towards the public sphere from the beginning. Traditional visions do not serve to understand what corruption is, so it is necessary to review the main trends to reveal their lights and shadows, that is, the degree of explanatory scope concerning the epistemological and methodological approaches commonly used.
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